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      |  Coaching   |  Continuation: Life Audit – 4 Simple Ways to Started!

    Continuation: Life Audit – 4 Simple Ways to Started!

    3. Write it Down

    The best way to get to the bottom of your mission is to dedicate a small amount of time to simply WRITE. Write down a list of what your ‘ideal life’ looks like. Where do you see this life audit taking you? Write down what your CURRENT situation looks like in each selected area. Be open, honest, and critical. Maintaining an impartial stance will help here – as if you were another person looking at your life and describing what they see. It will help you gain clarity and maybe even show you things you weren’t aware of.

    The reason why clarifying your personal goals and success definition in writing is so important lies within the innate power we all possess to create and manifest our desires

    If you are not sure what these desires are, then how on earth do you expect to achieve them?

    4. Recognize your Core Values

    Before embarking on any big life decision or change, core values must be clarified. It is important to clarify core values to ensure that any change or decision made is in alignment with your core values to maximize success. Core Values dictate our behavior, decisions, and actions, and whether consciously or unconsciously. To audit your life to a more positive place of authenticity and personal fulfillment, it is crucial to identify core values as no positive change in your life will be lasting if it does not align with your core values.

    When we do not honour our core values, our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual state is where we experience discomfort. Sometimes this can be obvious and other times it might not be so obvious. Examples of core values can include Health and well being, Family and Relationships, Creativity, etc.

    Write YOUR list of core values. Don’t compare it to anyone else’s. Turn inward and do the work!


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