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    “The goal of coaching is the goal of good management: to make the most of an organization’s valuable resources.”
    - Harvard Business Review

    Mastermind Groups.

    A Mastermind is basically a group of awesome people get together and help each other solve problems with input and advice. In my Mastermind experience, we will be discussing ways to enhance personal growth, build influence and leadership capability.

    There is a synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that participants bring to a mastermind group. My facilitated groups offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, networking, education, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills. Having the support and ideas of other ambitious people will allow you gain new perspective on how to develop ideas and key concepts to encourage growth in your everyday life. By bringing fresh ideas and a different perspective, my masterminds can help you achieve success.

    Benefits of Attending a Mastermind with Gbemi

    Increase your confidence.

    Sharpen your business and personal skills.

    Add an instant and valuable support network.

    Get honest feedback, advice and brainstorming.

    Borrow on the experience and skills of the other members.

    Study Leadership, Communications and Growth principles/practices in a group setting, create an action plan and have the group hold you accountable for fulfilling your plan and goals.

    Receive critical insights into yourself.

    Optimistic peer support in maintaining a positive mental attitude.


    What People Say About Gbemi's Mastermind Sessions.

    Anonymous – Oil and Gas Expert, London UK

    Excellent experience. The group helped me to see that we all have a room to grow as individuals and collectively. I have experienced a difference from when I started to the time the programme finished. I have adapted to pausing and taking time to reflect, I have also identified the importance of growth as opposed to goals.

    Funmi Bisiriyu – Senior Manager Hospital Lab Operations, UAE

    Learnt a lot more about my character through the DISC report included in the program. I now have a better view of my current position and how I can get myself to be more of what I hope for. The changes in my perspective and attitude are more observant to people around me and I often find myself sharing nuggets of wisdom I have learned through the mastermind group sessions. The lessons are applicable in every area of life and takes individuals from simply being goal oriented to growth with longevity and achievements. There is something in it for everyone.

    Ronald Polite – Retired Master Sargent, Advanced Medical Trainer, UAE Armed Forces

    Dialogue with my peers, to fortify my career perspective. Learned new ideas from the group members. Different aspects of their challenges and their growth. Will certainly recommend to anyone who wants to grow. I already started with having my daughter join.

    Derin O – Business Owner, Lagos Nigeria

    Through the group learning, I realized that you are never too old to grow, if and when you decide to; as you grow, some weeds in your life are exposed and some start to shed off. I absolutely recommend joining the 15 laws of growth mastermind to anyone who wants to grow exponentially in any area of his life.

    Deborah – Travel Consultant, Nigeria

    This has been a life changing experience, one I would recommend for everyone who does not just want to live life but actually make a difference with their life. You cannot go through this training and remain the same. I learnt to strive for Growth rather than just my goals. Striving for growth helps you attain more goals than the ones we set for ourselves in life cause the journey of growth is never-ending. I have also learnt to see value in myself and in the things that I do. This has brought me out of my shell and has given me the boldness I need to make decisions and grow.

    Cherine - Project Manager, UAE

    I really appreciate my mastermind group experience, and feeling the impact on my development step by step. Our own time to read and understand the laws, followed by our group discussion mentored by the coach, helped us to share our own experiences, understand more the Laws messages and allowed us to be also be part of thinking together to find a solution. In addition, Gbemi is also giving us commitments, and exercises for each of us which make us active and experiencing the effect of applying the tips on us.

    Isaac - Architect, UK

    Excellent experience. I recommend this to anyone who wants to re-ignite fire and passion to purpose driven life and identity any hidden personality that can help personal growth. Impactful, Quality, friendly, content was top notch. Coach was patient and firm.

    Bimbo - Oil & Gas Expert, UK

    Excellent experience. The group helped me to see that we all have a room to grow as individuals and collectively. I have experienced a difference from when I started to the time the programme finished. I have adapted to pausing and taking time to reflect, I have also identified the importance of growth as opposed to goals.


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