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    Personal Growth Coaching

    “Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast, or a bridge player.”

    – Bill Gates

    “No matter how gifted an individual is, you need a Coach to get you from Here to There” x

    – John Maxwell

    When I am working with you, I will provide personal high-performance coaching through one-on-one goal clarity, growth planning and accountability sessions. It is my highest objective to help you identify your purpose, define your vision and achieve your goals by working specific programs that increase your self-awareness and accelerate your capacity for growth. My methodology is built on key John Maxwell programs tailored specifically to your needs. Together, we will create a strategic alliance, focused on transforming you into the person who does and has the things you have always dreamed of. With our coaching sessions, you will achieve your desired objectives faster than you would all by yourself.

    Get Unstuck.

    Move from “Life by default” to “Life by Design”.

    Connecting the dots / bridging the gap between “Here” & “There”.

    Prepare for & Navigate significant life changes.

    Leadership Development.

    Multi-year Individual/Couple Goal Planning & Assessment.


    Everlead Theme.

    457 BigBlue Street, NY 10013
    (315) 5512-2579