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    Leadership Assessment & Development

    “Real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow.”

    – John C. Maxwell

    How well do you lead and influence others?

    The first step in becoming a better leader is to know where you stand. Regardless of whether your title is manager, CEO, leader, or you run your own business, you are in the business of growing, developing and improving people. That makes you a leader more than a manager, and I will practically show you why this matters today more than ever.

    Request an assessment for you or your team.

    1THE MAXWELL LEADERSHIP ASSESSMENT is an online based tool that offers a 360-degree in-depth view of an individual’s influence, based on Maxwell’s Five Levels of Leadership methodology. Leadership is influence, nothing more nothing less. To grow in leadership, one must grow in influence. This tool is designed to assess the individual leader according to 64 important factors along with a self-assessment and anonymous feedback from supervisors, colleagues, direct reports, and others. Through this comprehensive 360-degree assessment, leaders accurately identify both their areas of strength and their opportunities for growth. This self-knowledge and team knowledge results in better teamwork, increased confidence, and more targeted leadership development.

    2The John Maxwell Team Leadership Game: This is a comprehensive game based on the teachings of John C. Maxwell. The game helps organizations improve their leadership intelligence and increase their effectiveness. Why? “Because everything rises and falls on leadership,” says Maxwell. These leadership principles carry consequences with them. Apply the laws in your organization and people will follow you. Violate and ignore them, and you will not be able to lead others. But there’s news: every one of the laws can be learned.” How? Play the game with 6-12 of your most influential leaders and find out! The game is also available for Teenagers, ages 12-19.


    Everlead Theme.

    457 BigBlue Street, NY 10013
    (315) 5512-2579